
Showing posts from November, 2020

Start 2 - Electric Boogaloo

 All right. Let's try picking this back up again. Something of a journal of how I am feeling, maybe to highlight any patterns ? Due to the consistency of reporting required, I'll probably fail to keep this up to date in short order. But we will see. First, where am I currently. So the aches and pains that have shifted around for years and at times been crippling have by and large gone away. How ? A dose of NSAIDs every night just before bed for months. This seems to have done a couple of things - 1 improved the quality of my sleep and 2 given my body time to heal / reduce inflammation. I have now reached the point where I can go *without* taking NSAIDs every night and expect some level of reasonable sleep and few aches. But it is something I have to keep on top of. And if I need a proper nights rest, I need to take a couple of pills right before I sleep. Seems to do the trick. What this says about underlying things - who can say. I spoke to a neural expert early summer about my...