Jan 14
Work today. Stomach has been nauseous and "weird" all day. At this point I can't tell if it's outright nausea or just a persistent anxiety cramp from the situation with Poppy. It's shit for Poppy. Shit for Hazel. But speaking personally. This is very hard for me. I am still very much dealing with the fallout of losing Athena, Ares, no dogs. The post dog gloom that has settled on me, the absolute hopelessness of the world et al. And then. I have a repeat performance to deal with. I am not trying to be selfish here, or make it all about me. It's not. But it is very hard. The worst thing for me to deal with right now. If you wanted to torture me, you'd be doing a pretty good job of it with the things that life is finding to throw across my path. Anyway. Today I have pushed out some work. Been somewhat productive. There were times when it felt like too much. The task I was doing also had some stress attached to it. Important. Critical. Fuck it up and it goes ...