Woke up feeling considerably better than I have done in a while. Noodle around with some work, arrange to go for a socially distanced walk with a friend in the early afternoon. Take a walk in the sun. Sitting on the edge of the river after 20 minutes I can feel a wave of ill feeling slowly beginning to creep up on me. I need to go. Get home, do not feel well. Feeling slowly gets worse until by 6pm and I feeling awful. I go for a nap, end up sleeping 4 hours. Wake up somewhere around 10pm. Watch a stream for a couple of hours before back to bed again. I turn over in my mind exactly what's wrong with me. I am unsure. Is it because I've had a continually reopening bleeding wound on my ass for 9 months ? Is it some weird ass covid long tail post effect ? Is it the opening serious salvoes of MS ? Is it something else nefarious ? I am tired. I am ill. I ache. I cannot shake it. I have not been right since my trip to A & E with disastrously high BP back in Feb. My ears hav...