A short missive from the NHS GP today. CT scan results of my pancreas and associated came back clear. Nothing to report.
Which leaves us back to zero and looking more and more like viral. Albeit I think by the time the NHS finally got off their backside to do a scan, my gastro stuff was considerably better - I haven't tried anything spicy yet, but everything else seems to not trigger me anymore.
This GP is a lot better than the old sorry lot however. She asked I book a follow up to see how I was doing - and I'll also get the opportunity to compare notes with her and give her the final Harley Street report.
Going to go over viral damage, CFS, long covid, and of course, the long term worry of the brain damage. And also touch on whether I should get the covid shot - which I've been offered - in my notably struggling state.
I think at this point I am going to be left to my own devices to see if I keep on recovering. If the NHS take the Harley street recommendation they will be doing a 3 month blood test to see how that's panning out.
But who knows maybe the GP will be proactive. Not going to hold my breath.
Yesterday I had a few dips, better energy but quickly wiped out. Ironically stayed up late playing games. Feel real tired again today. I know I shouldn't push it, but I am getting lured into pushing myself.
The tingles today have been subdued. Never gone. But low level. Tingles in the back. Tingles in the face.
The tinnitus is varying. Defintely got worse. I should probably bring that up as well. Given its probably viral damage - and not your usual Tinnitus fucked ear thing - is there anything we can do about it. Would probably require minor surgery if it is an arterial thing like Harley Street thought and a referral to ENT. Again, not gonna hold my breath, I am already on one surgery waiting list which I've sat on for 14 months now without any sign of progress.
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