
 Working yesterday. Ploughing through tedious messy code and pulling it into some semblance of order. Physically took it easy yesterday. And was doing kinda ok. Tired. Of course. When am I not at the moment. But. Tingles were very low level.

Then I got up and opened a box. And felt instantly worse. Opening. A. Box. I felt ill. Tingles up and down my back. Tingles in my face. After 5 minutes of going through a box.

Dismay turned into horror. I can't even open boxes now ?

My mood lowered.

I am thoroughly sick of being sick. There is some twisted relief in that at least now I am not hardcore suffering, it's not nice, but that's mostly what it is, not nice, not abject misery, not nerves on fire, not lying there feeling pains in my chest and ping all over my torso, and that if there is something serious underlying and I cark it, well, at least the journey there is not super terrible. I Am ok with just dropping dead. Still.

As ever, end of week my energy lags. Work clearly sucks the energy out of me over a week. Even a short week like this. It doesn't help with my recovery. But it does keep the money coming in, the brain ticking over, and the business not left in dire straits.

Some days I think I am probably wasting my time with what could be limited days.

Some days I think I just need some months to properly recover. Harley Street said 3 to 6 months. Its not even been a month since he gave that prognosis. So it's highly likely I am just jumping the gun, slightly out of my mind with frustration and not being able to do a lot.

No word back from the GP. Silence descends. I'd love to know what I should be doing healthwise. Or whether its ok to get a covid shot in my state. And give them the Harley St results and talk about follow up tests. But, left on my own once again making guesses.

Afterthought city.

I have also realised with the impending retirement of my brother I have probably left it too late to move closer and get more involved. Then again, when reflecting on it, what with 2020 being the year of the plague and nothing happening in that time, and 2019 I was ill on and off and on and off, I would probably have needed to move my ass in 2018. Which I certainly wasn't ready for. It's just one of those things I guess. Timing is shocking. Covid has interruped and disrupted everything.

Been very - very - slowly tinkering with a system for the charity. Sorting out the groundwork of GDPR. I have realised that with work being pretty busy and me being tired, my capacity for side channel stuff is... very low. But. It's mostly stuff I have done a hundred times before. Day off tomorrow. I'll probably give it a good few hours of effort tomorrow and see where I get. I am so far quite liking MariaDB and really liking its installation capabilities. Wayyyyyy better than SQL Server. Much more.. low profile. Perfect for cash strapped charities.


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