Neuro Referral

 Spoke to a neuro consultant at the hospital today via phone.

He sounded pretty senior - had a bunch of students in on the call, asked if that was ok. Sure.

We managed to get a look at my MRI from 3 years ago at the hands of the NHS. The spots were there - in fact he counted 5. Similar size. So not new. But the NHS deemed them not reportable. But somewhat reassuring that they hadn't just popped up in the last few years.

He agreed an MRI in a years time was sensible however.

He wanted to know how I got my Harley Street scan done. And how much it cost. And could they have the data please.

He was very good to be honest. He said it seemed clear I had been through the wringer, was at pains to point out the differences between IT and medicine and said it was likely I would never know what the cause of my issues were - but it seemed clear they were systemic, and probably viral. Long covid or otherwise. He emphasised *probably* a second time.

He reassured me about MS and said it didn't seem to be the case. That a lumbar puncture would be the gold standard to find out, but they had a pretty high threshold for doing that test, IE, only if they were already pretty sure it was MS would they do it. He said the results and my symptoms didn't seem entirely indicative. Even though, a lot of my symptoms are very indicative. I think as a whole, a big mix of horrible symptoms the conclusion seems to be something else must be at fault. Rather than two or more things at once. Ho hum.

He said it wouldn't really matter how many consults I got, the likelihood was at this time, they wouldn't be able to tell me because to be frank, they didn't know. But. That they were very good at spotting things they did know about.

He said that covid they didn't know about. And its symptoms and effects they were still figuring out, but noted that covid was the flavour of the month, and you could get long term syndrome effects from any virus.

So that was that. He did say these things tended to get better. And to give it 3 to 6 months. Uh huh.

Also got to specify what my tinnitus sounded like today. 8khz triangle wave. This is in my left ear all the time -



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