23rd July
Short and sweet.
Health has taken a turn for the worse. Dizziness has stepped up a notch, notably bad when I get up from a chair, a real dimming of the lights followed by a "warmth" spreading through my head. Effects have lingered, yesterday for half the day I was generally just mildly dizzy. My balance is off, sometimes I stumble a little around the house. Sleep.. is better.. but doesn't make it go away. Tinnitus has been screeching. Weak legs have made a return after an absence of some months. Random pains. Tired.
Ho hum.
I am taking pains to not do any kind of work. Just. Rest.
My mind bounces between numb / miserable, to fatalistic, just, put me out of my misery, to slowly unwinding crazy style.
Dark days.
I've had worse.
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