July 11th

 Feeling better last few days.

I know.


Had a fairly busy day yesterday, did some work in the morning, an extended, albeit slow, pupper walk, and finally some ferrying around the city of Hazel.

And I felt good. Not wiped out. Not ill. Good.


Today I got up, tired. By midday I had to go back to bed. Ughhh. Very tired.

It then crossed my mind that I had been busy yesterday. And the whole, do stuff, then wipe out the following day clicked in my head. Oh. Yeah. That.

Still. All things considered. Good.

I'm still getting the weirdest of pain pings in random places, but they seem to be getting less frequent, less serious. The tingles et al... are disappearing for extended periods before popping up again for a day. And the fatigue definitely seems on the retreat. There are a number of... weird things also happening, really super raised blood vessels... and stuff. It's.. odd. I don't know. The uncharted waters of Stuff continues to roll on but seems to be getting way less debilitating.

I have also been trying to take stock of the timing of my covid jab and the lessening of fatigue. Like a lot of whats going on it's really tough to see the wood from the trees on a day to day or week to week basis. Patterns only emerge in excess of a month when I look back at stuff. It does seem like my symptoms have improved by a fair margin since my jab. It feels like it's probably just coincidence - the jab was well timed to catch me on a theoretical mend process. But maybe it's not.


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