October 24th




Like a crackly radio with its tuning coming in and out of focus, that's been my state the last few days. Ok we can do some stuff followed by, mmmemeeehhhh. But. Better overall that I have been in the last few weeks. If you average it out. Squint.

Ho hum.

This weekend I have gone back to sleeping quite a bit. Flaked out mid afternoon on Friday. Slept. And on Saturday. And today, Sunday. Sleeping anything from a quick one - an hour - to an extended one - 3.5 hours. My life slips away in sleep. Could be worse.

Headaches all day today, growling around the front of my head, sometimes really *weird* headaches, which, I'm hard pressed to explain.

Sigh. Oh God.

Been struggling to do "Nice Things". Work on some miniatures. Work on some art. Noodle around. Hard. Do it for a bit, get wiped out. Rinse and repeat. Feel.. a malaise creeping across a lot of what I am doing. I grit my teeth and do it. I have realised that the pattern often seems to be at the moment of doing shit *despite* how I am feeling, where once upon a time, it would just be doing shit, and if I felt bad I would stop. Now I just do shit even though I'm feeling bad. And when it gets too bad, I stop.

Ho hum.

On a more positive note, I am not feeling anywhere near as ill as I was, and my mental state has steadily improved, so, eh, yeah, better, not good, suffering, but eh, better. Meh. I kinda desperately reach around trying to find some Secret Thing That I Hadn't Yet Realised which will make me feel better. Surely. Just. Don't eat this. Or eat that. Or do this at X time. Sit up. Sit down. Sleep. Don't sleep. It doesn't matter. It will do what it does. Much to my dismay. A bit of my brain wont let it go though. We just have to find .. the right pattern ! And it will go away !

Ever the optimist.

If it is CFS. Then fuck CFS. If it is FND. Then fuck that too.

Again, I suppose it could be worse.

I flicked through my pictures of Ares today. Had a cry. My best friend is still gone. And I miss him terribly. I would do anything to have him back. Still carrying that weight. Always will.


Watched Dune. Which everyone is raving about. I'm quite a big Dune fan. Let me rephrase that. I know all the characters, terms, history, I sometimes quote bits of the mythos to myself and speaking some of the garbled made up language. Shaiiii Huluuuud ! Bless the maker and his water.

So yeah, quite a fan of Dune.

Unlike most of the reviews, I thought the film was shit.

Pacing terrible, acting an unengaging unemotional horror, dreary, non gripping. A waste of time and money all round.

I winced through some of the scenes. Nooooo. No. This is how you're doing this ? Well shit. Boo.

Forgetting the background, I just cannot see how anyone gives this a thumbs up. The acting is dire. The story that they cover is molasses slow and just not very engaging. And takes its time doing that. Ha ha. I think ( unlike in 1984 ) the expectation and heritage of Dune itself is causing people to lavish praise on it. Which is unwarranted. Emperors new clothes.

The whole Dune mythos is a bit of a funny beast I find. It has some really lovely bits in it, some awesome world building and ideas. It's also studded with lots of faff and yawn in places. It arguably doesn't deserve the high vaunted place some have put it into. It is what it is. Old school sci fi with some really nice bits, and a lot of just downright meh bits.

At this point though, it's starting to become one of those "cool to be into it" things. Much like Lord of the Rings became ( although that, imho, is a farrrrr finer piece of writing and arguably with a well deserved reputation, but still, go back 40 years, Lord of the Rings is a laughable concept mainstream ).

Eh well.

End on a positive.

Noodling around with some art. Scratch building some minis. Its been fun. Looking forward to painting some stuff. If I can just get past the feeling of illness that dogs me. But eh. Be positive. Its been cool to exercise my scratch building, even if its to a really tiny extent. I really do love scratch building shit.

Onwards and Upwards !


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