23rd December

 Ill for a lot of today.

Sick. Green around the gills. Just bleh.

I am beginning to suspect I have a returned ulcer. Nothing like the shit show that came before. But still. I am getting a lot of nausea, and it .. seems to be around either not eating.. or eating. And gets better if I eat. But not somethings. But I do then get a ... pain... and my general stomach area feels... sensitive.


I guess I need to be real careful with what I eat and probably head off to the GP in Jan. Perhaps they will finally get someone to check it out. Rather than just throw meds at me.

I probably need to go back to "ulcer diet". Eat small amounts. Often. Don't leave longer than a few hours. And don't eat more than a handful. Nibble diet.

Noodled with work today. Been a bit of a bitch, didn't make great progress. The varying tools had suffered "bit rot". After a few hours of workarounds and playing with configs to make tools do what they should... I gave up. I think time and changing standards have broken somethings. Meh. Frustrating.

Andy was out all day today. I think he's already taken himself off on holiday. I wonder if he pays himself for holidays. What do you think.

Today I felt meh all around. Pretty lousy. Physically and mentally. I took myself off for a lunchtime nap. Felt better for 10 minutes. Before I felt worse again.

Today has been one of those days where I contemplate whether I am capable of anything anymore.

Not a good day.

Everything has been a struggle.

I need to wrap some presents. I haven't been able to.

Yeah. That's right. That's how high molehills can become.

I have dragged my heels on a bunch of stuff that needs to get done... feel sick. Down. Meh.


Still. I can rest for a while now. Not sure if it will make arse all difference. But eh.


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