31st Dec

 Well, tonights New Years Eve festivities have been derailed by Covid.

Not me.

But the host.

Not a huge surprise to be honest given how rife Omicron is at the moment. And "All Going To Plan", which is to say let Omicron run wild and build a herd immunity to it as its farrrrr less onerous than the Covids That Have Come Before. The UK is I feel very well positioned for Omicron.

So instead of festivities this evening I am chilling. Which. Honestly. I kinda prefer this evening given how "hectic" the rest of my week has been. Time to chill alone.

Today has been positive.

I know.

Fuck me right.

I am feeling upbeat and positive about the future. I am feeling.. not ill. *gasp*. Tired. But I am napping and resting. And. It's. Tickety boo at the moment. Or, at least, very copeable with.

My creative juices are really beginning to bubble in the background. I want to do a bunch of stuff. My skills are not up to some of my ideas, but, it's good. I am eager to noodle, but, I have to be careful with my energy.


Feeling good. Some sense of strength and capability is returning.

And my horizons are really beginning to expand in a way I haven't felt... in decades. I can do this. And that. And then this. And. I can see a path. And It Is Good. And I have a little sparkle of excitement in there somewhere. In a way. Dealing with shit at a shit level for so long and pushing on... makes it all the more surprising when you come up for air. Like training with a concrete block behind you, cutting it free, or at least some of it free really gives you a sense of capability.


Perhaps the Ducks of Chaos are finally beginning to get into a row. Or maybe its just the ups and downs of fate.

Don't jinx it eh.

Probably just a temporary high.

Ho ho ho.

But yay, fuck it, I'll take anything. Temporary or not.

Not super looking forward to work next week. Not from a oh god, dreading it point of view, but more from a ugh, I don't have time for this shit. I have things to do goddamit.

Pace yourself. Marathon. Not a sprint.

May the future be awesome, and I finally get to reach my potential. Or peace. Peace would be good also.

Tick tock tick tock. T minus 11 days from work departure.


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