April 18
So. Last day or so my health has gone downhill.
Not sure if it's something I ate or what. I backtracked a few things. Sure enough. Black pepper.
It comes and goes somewhat but.
I feel shit. And at times I feel super shit.
Heart palpitations. Twitches. Tingles. Just generally feeling siiicccckkkk, but not nauseous. Tired. Weird aching heavy neck. Heavy body, like it's filled with lead. Exhausted. Thoughts can scatter a bit.
Holy crap. As today has worn on it has hit like a sledgehammer.
So strange. 72 hours ago, I was ok.
Now I am a shit show.
I am not sure but I am thinking that all the symptoms are connected. That perhaps it's like a massive systemic response to *something*.
Who knows.
Buckle up and wait ( hopefully ) for it to pass. Cut my eating down to minimal. Plenty of water. See how I do.
What this has done for me has shown me the difference between night and day. Mostly ok. And then really super fucking not ok. The difference is severe, when it's bad it's really bad.
It's also clearly NOT a rest thing. I am rested. Halfway through my month off.
Gonna try and chill. Not push it.
I'll be perfectly honest. At points today it has got so bad a tide of panic came up in me a few times. Oh no. Oh no oh no oh no. Ok. Calm. Calmmm.
I am super hoping my latest diet theory actually holds and I can get control of this again.
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