April 28
Ok yesterday ended up a bit of a shit show.
In the morning I was fine. Lunchtime I started my liquid only diet, had a soup.
Feeling not too bad I decided to go trim the ivy in the garden.
But. Lets take a quick recap here.
I had probably around 1,000 calories to eat the day before. I then inadvertently fasted for 24 hours. I then broke fast with a soup. Like. 250 calories. Then proceeded to do physical work.
Mmm. 1250 calories for 48 hours ? Heh.
Ok. So. I was kinda ok. But started feeling... mehhhh. Not my typical meh I have been of late, nauseous et al. Different. Older. Meh. Tired. Wiped out. Dizzy. Ah. Ah ha. It occurred to me belatedly that oh, I am leaning pretty hard into tempting CFS fate here by eating like shit, then being physical.
So the afternoon I wiped out. Didn't feel well. Zero energy. I was cool. I put it down to being stupid with eating et al. I debated what to do. I could.
a) sleep it out. because in theory I should be able to largely "starve" for considerable time without that terrible of an effect, so see if the ill feeling lifted after a time because in theory ketosis should be kicking in or..
b) actually eat something to help out the blood sugars
I dithered with a. As the afternoon came to an end I decided to break the liquid experiment and just eat. I spent the rest of the evening mehhhhh ok. But yeah. Not great.
Ok. So. Ah ha ha. Mmm. That didn't work out too well.
Being a glutton for punishment I might repeat the trick today. Liquid only. And. Heh. I still need to finish trimming the ivy beast in the garden. We shall see how that goes.
Other symptom wise, the creep of other stuff continues. Tinnitus has started to rage again. The aches and pains. The difficulty sleeping. A lot of tingling in the hands. Uh huh. I suspect this is something other than the whole diet thing, which fits with my theory of multiple interwoven things being not right with me.
But. At least I didnt feel sick yesterday. Ish.
So todays plan is kinda set. And for the rest of my time I'll probably play games and noodle with art.
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