May 12

 Work is done for the week.

Second week into this new schedule.

It's interesting.

I basically just about get started into work, then I'm done. It doesn't really let me build up any long term baggage stress. It actually feels a little bit too short. Then again. The thought of increasing work and doing 3 days a week fills me with a surprisingly strong level of Fuck No.

I think I'm just getting used to it is all.

But it definitely seems. Better. Now. I am the guy that turns up does a bit and goes. I am no longer Atlas making sure the world remains in place. Y'all gotta do shit without me.

That being said. Yesterday was an increasingly deep and dark rabbit hole into a former devs work, that turned out to be a nightmare. Duplicating records. Untested code. And shit that just didn't work at all once you got past the first obvious bug and it actually executed code.. that blew a fuse.

Big yikes.

Architectually also an absolute pigs dinner.

And this was from a dev with a decades worth of experience.

Hum ho. It seems I need to check everyones work, not just the newbies. I don't think people in general are very good at this coding malarkey. Even the professionals. Ham fisting shit together to see if it sticks. I do see memes about it. And that being the actual approach. Something I can't relate to. Can't you guys just.. do it.. correctly ?

No. It would seem.

Ha ha, your face when.. you code stuff.. and it introduces new bugs and doesn't work and you can't tell what it's doing ! Am I right ? Ha ha.. um.. no ? I don't get that at all. Is it just me ?

Perhaps it's an advantage of being an old fart that has dedicated their life to talking machine.

Yesterday after finishing work I had a small moment of euphoria. Yayyy work is done. Freeeee.

Which is new.

It died within about 20 minutes.

Also interesting.

Moving on.

After having it sitting on the counter for nearly a week, I made some bread with the new breadmaker this morning. In the mists of the past I had the very first breadmaker that came out. Before they were a thing. And used it a lot. Then I stopped using it. Then everyone got one. And I went to making bread by hand instead. Because you know. Fuck the mainstream. Doing it by hand wasn't as much hassle as it sounds. Then everyone was doing it in lockdown, so meh. Stop doing it entirely. Ho ho.

Anyway, full circle. I am now back to a breadmaker. Ostensibly so that if necessary, I can make bread every day - or more likely every other day without it being a lifestyle choice ( been there, done that, cool, but, definitely a life style choice of permanently having dough in your yeasty smelling airing cupboard and spending 45 minutes every morning making new dough and cleaning shit up ).

The tech has come on. Meaning I can set the machine up at night. With hoppers for seeds and fruit and yeast. Set a timer. And wake up to fresh whatever. Or a kitchen on fire. Either or.

I do very much dig timed / automated cooking. I love having my oven turn on, cook for X minutes then turn off. And the microwave do the same. And now the breadmaker does it too. It is for me pretty damn sexy magical. I am easily pleased perhaps. But then again. The capability to stick something in the oven and never have it burn even when busy. Or cook perfectly so that its done when you get home. Uh huh. Neat.

My only gripe would be, where's the goddamn voice support. Give me a small next step of all that shit being powered by Alexa, and we're pretty much done. Alexa. Stick the sausages in the oven. Heh.

Today I need to try and motivate my ass to tidy up a bit more. And in between feed myself something that doesn't make me feel like shit. And in between sort out an email form for Charity Place plagued by spam. Uh huh.

All I really feel like doing is sitting in a bunker. There is a weight on me. Pushing me down. If you've seen big mouth, it's exactly like the depression kitty lying on top of you. Funny that.

And. Bang on the nose. Have you ever lied on your side facing away from the tevelsion whilst it plays a friends marathon ? Yes. Exactly that. For a period of about 6 months.



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