May 24
Another alright day yesterday.
I had some chocolate in the afternoon... felt a litttttlllleeee queasy with it.
Uh huh. And today my stomach has been. Eh. Alright. Slightly sulky. But eh. Ok. I am monitoring it closely.
Stomach acid is definitely up. Oh yes. Oh boy. Had a bit of heartburn last night in fact. Uh huh. Figures. I did indeed take some ant acid before bed. Not sure if it made a huge difference. Felt like I slept a little better, but still woke up from an enormous depth. Hmmmm.
Went for a walk with Athena today - she was popping about the house, full of beans, ready for an out and about. Managed to twist my ankle pretty badly whilst on the walk, lurch forwards and collide with a fence.
Good work.
It's been a number of years since I turned my ankle or fell over. It used to be a fairly regular occurrence. Every 6 months or so. On my ass. Or a fucked up rolled ankle. I used to do a lot more dog walking back then. But it wasn't always in the company of dogs. Long story short, I fall over an alarmingly high number of times. Not critical what the fuck is wrong with you numbers, but certainly, suspicious numbers. Top heavy and keen on walking on shitty surfaces perhaps. Almost all of them have been on uneven country like terrain. Roots. Holes. Mud. Shitty pavement. Uh huh.
I think I've reached my limit for real world bullshit.
With the news that Larry Ellison ( arch dickhead and spite monger ), Elon Musk ( pampered South African white boy shit bag and general idiot ) and Peter Thiel ( Shifty Big Brother Inc. ) have been recorded to be in cahoots with each and behind a lot of the money backing for twitter and going on record to say such things as Freedom and Democracy are no longer viable together, meh. It seems the ultra rich tech bro assholes have finally reached the conclusion the money is all theirs, the fuck am I paying tax, the poors dont matter, and hey, we have lots of money and power, let's rig the system for our own jollies. Who can enable us to do that ? Why the stupid Republicunts.
I think you're in for a slam dunk end to democracy come 2024. Fascists and Quasi adjacent fascist corporates are going to rule the US, and then most of the world with a serious retreat of rights for your average schmoe.
The supreme court is already busy reconfiguring the law ready for the coming years.
Back to serfdom for you shits.
I personally see no way out of this. And America's infection is liable to spread. Because corps rule the roost. Europe is pro corp neocon. The UK is pro corp neocon. Australia is already a bit of a capitalist shitshow. Japan is a shoe in for such drone behaviour. Who else is there ? Human rights horror China ? Ha. Jesus. Perhaps moving to New Zealand is the answer.
Too old for that shit. I think I am just going to pull down the blinds and ignore the apocalypse outside. Someone else can fight the good fight. Or not. They'll possibly stick me in a Soylent Green tank if and when I get properly old.
You didn't realise it, but "modern" democracy reached its inflection point a good number of years ago. It's all downhill from here on in into a new tech lead dark age.
Enough of that. I am tapping out. Which is not the thing to do. You should stay engaged, fight the shit bags, fight the descent. I am too old and burned out and yada to do that. So. I am tapping out. Things are terrible. I'm just going to pull my head in and forget about it. Trying to find a little corner of happy.
Of course. That's how they get you. Disenfranchise the public. Then proceed to rape ever more money and life out of people.
Eh. If it really comes to it. I'll fight. But consider me a last option reservist. I feel like not too far away, society is really going to start hard testing the irony of one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter. And you thought you had to worry about the middle east. Ha.
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