Sep 22
Today has hit like a very very slow truck. Like slowly. Inching over you. And crushing you beneath its weight.
Nausea. Ill. Tired. All round yuck.
I gritted my teeth and took the girls out for a walk however. Gotta say, the walk was hard. Not enjoyable. It was a thing. Do it. Do it. Come on. The girls loved it. Splashing around. Running around. All the smells. Jumping on me.
A good thing.
Hazel was thankful that I got Poppy out for the walk. How you doing she said. I grimaced. A hard walk. You should have left it she said. Eh, pfft. I dropped Poppy off back at hers and went home.
So yeah. Today. Big oof.
Two things.
Last night I decided to treat myself to something to eat. A burrito. I love burritos. But I have sworn off them for sometime now because of the Hidden Spice.
But eh. How bad can it be. Had a lovely burrito. Whilst eating it, somewhere near the bottom, ooh thats spicy.
Oh no. Was that a Jalapeno ?
Ah. Pfft. Delicious.
I told Dan I treated myself to something nice to eat.
Something that's going to make you ill he said ?
Ehhhhhh maybbbeeee. No. Probably not.
Well, just remember that when you suffer for the next 4 days he said.
And I thought no more of it.
This morning, drinking my tea, holy crap it made me feel ill. Oh. The nausea is back. It's been a while. Just one of those things.
Oh. Wait. Shit. We talked about this last night. Almost as if it were predictable.
So. It could be a coincidence. Occams razor says no. It was something I ate. Something spicy. Probably a jalapeno.
Apparently jalapenos are now officially no bueno for me. Having sworn off them on high suspicion that they were bad for me, I think the jury has hammered the final nail in the coffin.
So today. I have lost all energy and all semblance of being able to do anything.
The allergies also kicked in hard this morning and gave me a nice dose of Not Enough Sleep too.
So. Today is a shit show. But one that has slowly, subtly, got steadily worse.
Ho hum.
It remains to be seen just how long this wobble lasts. Take notes !
The second thing, is I haven't had a swim this week. Swim lacking. The longest I haven't been in the pool since... June ?
So. That's also a thing.
Not to worry ! Positive face on ! Its explainable. Fixable. Just ride out the current storm. No. Problem.
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