Oct 1
I think the CFS or whatever it is kicked my ass a bit yesterday. Made it clear it's still around.
Went for a walk with Athena, Hazel and Poppy came along. I wasn't exactly hyped at the start, and by the end of it, I was really feeling it. That deep tug of exhaustion. Oof. Hazel made a checklist. Had I been eating my vegetables ? No. Drinking ? Not enough, dehydrated I think. Eaten today ? No. Its 4pm. I had an apple ? I wonder why you're feeling not good she said. I dunno, it's a mystery.
Ha ha.
On the way home stopped for a Greggs sandwich. And I felt somewhat better afterwards. So. Eh. Heheh.
But still. It's a different thing. That tug. That whole.. background... malarkey. It's more than just not getting enough to eat or drink. There is another rise and fall thing going on behind it all that at its worst is very debilitating, and at its best passes almost unnoticed.
Still for all that, I'm still doing ok.
Allergies are still flaring. Itchy eyes. Sneezy. Yeesh. How do I know it's allergies ? Well, the symptoms are very allergy. Also. Take an anti histamine, the symptoms halve. Uh huh. Allergies.
I should genuinely have a free weekend this weekend. No social obligations. Touch wood no emergencies. No distractions. So. Maybe I can make some progress on Shit That Needs Doing. Mostly tackling more house rearranging and tidying. The scale of the task is epic. So I think I need to compartmentalise a bit. And do one room at a time. Albeit you can run the risk of just playing whackamole moving shit from one room to the next as you concentrate on a single room. Ha. But I have a plan.
October is here. Halloween beckons. I like to do something arty for Halloween. I always get a Halloween itch starting in August. Nothing has super inspired me so far yet though, and it's getting late. Plus my whole motivation to do anything creative has been on a real low burner for a while.
Been talking about a lot of heavy shit on stream. Capitalism. Politics. Political correctness. Meaning of life stuff. It's easy to start doom mongering. But. It's hard to not feel like things are coming to a head of late. Crazy prices. The rich helping themselves even faster. Despots. Disasters. Florida wiped out. It feels like it just can't go on for much longer without something breaking. Perhaps that's just a very human feeling of angst and anxiety, a tendency to over react. I dunno though. I honestly don't see how capitalism as it is can go on for much longer. Something is going to pop. I think there will be a crucial tipping point. As the saying goes. If people are working, and yet even when working can no longer to afford their bills. Go into debt. Then. What's the point of it ? And whilst that sounds very metaphysical. It gets very real when the money runs out and people start getting asked questions about their survival, or their families survival. At that point. You are going to get a very sharp and extreme reaction. I guess it remains to be seen if it gets that far. It's definitely going that way. The old order will topple, a new order will rise. If that does happen. It likely won't be pretty. It won't be fair. People will end up getting hurt, dead, there will be a lot of suffering, and hunger, things will go backwards for a while. I give you a minimal shot that the transition will be peaceful and orderly. Simply because if nothing else, no one has a clue what to do.
What to do in such tough times ?
Remember who your friends are. Who you can trust. Who is reliable. Place your trust and safety in them, and vice versa. Group up. Strength in numbers. Get your support network running smoothly. And if it truly gets wild. Relocate if necessary when shit hits the fan. Doomsday prepping ! Not really. But it's important to know what your priorities are. The "stuff" you've accumulated ? Not important. Your life and wellbeing ? Very important. The help you can give others and vice versa ? Super important.
When it's raining you put up an umbrella. When the sun shines you can go lie on a beach and soak up the sun. Knowing what to do under different environmental circumstances is important, and not as easy as you think. Routine often leads people straight over the cliff edge of a road that used to be there before it was washed away.
Happier thoughts -
Most of the world is aware of the right direction to go in. The challenges we all face. It's just a case of getting there amd turning an immense ship around, and letting the screamers who don't want to change their lavish lifestyles burn out.
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