21 Feb

Being healthy, say the scientists, is quite a bit about other people.

In short. Relationships ( good ones ) matter an enormous amount ( this *also* includes your relationship with say, your government, your work place, your health provider as well as how much shit you put up with from your significant other ).

TL;DR, the better support network of people you have around you, the less your stress gets to fuck with you, the better your health prognosis overall.

The difference between good and bad at this is they reckon about the same as smoking or not smoking.

So pretty significant.

You can read what the Harvard people running the 84 year and continuing study have to say about it all here -


So the irony here is, if you're someone that maybe does a daily excercise routine. Eats right. But then neglects their personal relationships. Allows themselves to be miserable. You're probably doing more damage from that than any other of the positive things you're doing.


I know one or two like that. Diligent in their exercise. Head stuck firmly in the sand accepting misery wise.

Brilliant. No, wait, the other one, what is it. Oh yes. Stupid.


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