Oct 28
Ironic timing ? Fate, always a bit of a joker, having a laugh ?
My ass having exploded last week, I got fresh through my letterbox a missive from the hospital. That there is indeed still a major issue with my ass. The MRI showed it up. And oh, we had better do something about that. Surgery. General Anaesthetic. Electric Boogaloo the Return.
It has taken them some 9 months to bother to tell me the outcome of my results. I went for those tests back in January. That MRI result has sat there for the better part of a year. Doing nothing.
Interesting fact about what's going on with my ass. The longer you leave it, the higher the chance of it becoming cancerous.
Uh huh.
Also, another interesting thing about the letter. Rather betrayingly it noted that it was dicated on the 7th October. Typed on the 21st October. And then sent "unvalidated to prevent delay". And got to me on the 27th.
Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha.
The NHS takes 20 days. 20 ! To send a missive once it decides it needs to ( the decision of which itself took 9 months ).
Meh. Honestly. In this day and age with the computer able to type out your dictation in real time, and hell, the computer being able to write the whole goddamn thing itself based on a prompt, a 20 day window to get a letter out is beyond appalling, it's downright piss taking. Still, I am sure the typing pool, and dude who picks up the dictation tape, are grateful for their 1950's era jobs.
And you wonder why the NHS is so slow and so costly ?
Slept a lot again today. As per usual. Haven't done anything useful. Which is bad. I should have done better. Always tomorrow I suppose.
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