May 1

 Today has been an awful day.

But let's back up a bit.

Over the weekend I repaired bridges with Hazel. She seemed ok all in all, perhaps not taken anything too much to heart. Feeling a bit better myself I made sure she was ok, and then, on a following day, I took her out for pizza.

So. Pretty good. I am glad she has not gripped tightly onto it, and perhaps in the end just seen it as a boundary check that it was and not the end of the world.

Athena is doing well. We went for a short walk round the block the other day and she did just fine. Not fast. No running. But she didn't pull up, didn't limp. And had energy afterwards. A great sign.

As for myself.

I had a few days of feeling a bit better, my feet grumbled far less, I tidied the kitchen, made dinner a few nights in a row. Sure sign I am feeling a bit better.

And then, within 36 hours, I was not feeling better.

I was worse. Way worse.

My right foot has suddenly returned to a hellish state - swollen up and my heel "tendonitis" is back with avengeance. The veins in that foot are once again raised and angry, and the pain radiates out.

My restless legs kick in, disrupting the shit eye gouging sleep I get and just making everything worse.

Migraines are rolling in and out.

And the nausea.

And the general pains.

I keep losing sensation in my left hand, then right hand, tingles.

It's too much.

Just suffering stacked on suffering.

I am back to using crutches again. I paused at the top of the stairs. Too much. What's the point in all of this hanging on.

I suppose it's all inevitable if you come at it from a things are broken, not getting fixed, and it's going to get worse. A descent.

I feel like utter garbage. Even as I type this the grumbling migraine that somewhat retreated comes back hardcore, wave of nausea, very unwell, a ripple of heat goes over me, and my eyes feel like two sunken pits.


Why have I got the painful end. Can't I have something a bit more peaceful and sudden ?



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