May 4

Slept better last night - only a single "panic" passing out moment, the rest was ok. Or at least if it happened I wasn't aware of it. I did have pretty bad levels of circulation loss though, at one point both my arms elbow and below were static. If I inadvertently make the mistake of having my arms bent - let alone hugged up tight, I lose circulation in the hand. I have to consciously sleep with them straight when things are bad. I think it's just a general sign of how weak my blood flow is when asleep. Even a mildly bent elbow is enough to cause a problem. I need to go swimming and work on my cardio to try and strengthen up my circulation et al.

Foot pain was diabolical last night. I spent most of the day playing a game which was fine, the foot pain slowly ramped up over that time, but was ok. Came off of gaming, and the pain went through the roof and stayed there. Paracetamol, Codeine and Ibuprofen altogether managed to get it under control after a pretty nasty period of pain. And keep it there whilst I slept.

It started grumbling and spiking in pain again in the morning. A sure sign the pain meds were exhausted.

I do think it also has something to do with my shitty circulation though. When it's working - the pain is a lot worse. When it slows down, it gets better ( I think just because the swelling goes down, and that seems to be the majority of where the pain is coming from ).

As an aside in the My Foot Aint Right debacle, I peeled a layer of skin from my toes. Uhhh. Ok. I am guessing the swelling and yada ended up damaging the outer layer of skin, and thus it then peeled off in a sheet. Like some kind of sun burn exposure thing. This would also explain the weird "papery" sensation I had on that foot.

To date with the new episode of the shitty foot, I have half fallen over - lost my balance on crutches, hit the wall, then had to put my bad foot down to prevent a complete fall, and that went about as well as you can imagine. SCREEEEECH. And I managed to half pee myself twice, because of lack of speed at getting anywhere and pain spikes. The trip to the loo can be something of a roulette. Eh well. To be honest in the scale of things, half peeing yourself doesn't even register. It's an amusing sidenote. Have to do better at getting to the loo. The problem is of course, moving is painful. Really painful. So. You don't. Which means you need the loo more urgently. Which then runs the risk - with a pain spike - of you peeing yourself. Ah ha ha.

Other than that things have been quiet and uneventful.

My brother this week had a camera stuck down his throat just to check out what was going on. Fairly routine as it turned out and nothing to worry about. I briefly talked to him in Monday about it, but in the end he didn't seem much up to chatting, and said he would catch up with me on Friday. Ok. Haven't heard from him though. Not a huge surprise.


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