Sep 30

 Because I am a genius level intellect, instead of avoiding wheaty products as I said I would, for convenience, I have continued eating them despite me suspecting they may be a major contributing factor in me feeling shit.


I am feeling more shit than ever.

Very smart.

It does serve one decent purpose however. The difference between how I am feeling now, and how I was feeling a handful of days earlier is like night and day. And furthermore I can tell you the differences. Overnight there is a massive change. It feels like I puff up overnight. All my muscles ache and are in pain ( this despite being on anti inflammatories ! ). Everything feels weirdly... inflated. My eyes are worse. I feel sluggish and heavy everywhere. It feels like being under very heavy cotton wool. It makes me want to sleep for longer. I don't feel refreshed after sleeping. And I am very very slow once I am awake to shake it off - in fact I don't really shake it off, I just manage to shake enough of it off where I can move.

Perhaps it's a flare of bullshit.

Perhaps this is an allergic reaction.

Not sure.

I can only say again, that I will try avoiding wheaty things and see how I do. And be very strict about it.

I said that last time and didn't follow through however.

As mentioned, I am smart.

In my defence eating around wheaty type products is a bit of a gear change and isn't terribly convenient. No bread. No pasta. Making something small to eat becomes harder - at least for me. I need to schedule eating in a much more planned way. I am terrible at planned things, in fact, I suspect I am more than just terrible, I think I am fundamentally fucky with planned things, part of my wacky brain space. Whilst something like an omelette can fill the space for a day, eating eggs everyday isn't great, which leaves you with endless potatoes and rice, salads - tricky arses at the best of times unless you have a magical constant supply of fresh ingredients - and yada. I am sure someone well versed at such shit can take it in their stride. For me it's not an easy problem to work around. I suppose I should take a closer look at proper meal and diet planning - something I despise because often it's so ridiculously bespoke, heart of artichoke, nostril of guatemalian snow bird, dash of wizzwang, and has that careless snobby patronising, well of course darling everyone has snow bird nostril in their cupboard - and get some ideas for food. In the past I have just gone more carb restricted meat heavy, but with the also ongoing bullshit of gout, that isn't smart either. My diet stuff is becoming very tricky.

I dunno.

I will try and eat light for the next few days. A soup. Some rice. Some chicken. Some vegetables. Yoghurt. And see how we do. Oh. Addendum. I have picked up some gluten free bread as a bit of a trial. Who knows. I am not sure I can properly assess it without restricting everything else and trying it on its own. But. Eh.

Needless to say the gout is still with me.

The prescription has finally been done - a few days late. So I need to pick that up. Everything with the NHS is a day late and a dollar short. Perpetually. I guess I should be thankful I am getting anything. Then again. I do pay thousands a year for that service. So. Uh huh. Not exactly a freebie is it.

Work tomorrow. Low key dreading it. I could do with major time off work.


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