Nov 10

 Struggling to make it out of bed in a day. It's bad.

After 12 hours asleep today I made an effort to get up, be normal, do something. Within 10 minutes I felt so ill that I had to go back to bed. No choice.


It's now 8pm. Still feel ill. Better enough that I can gather a little thought to write this down. But not good.

Unless I improve, this definitely feels like the crunch point.

My eating has scaled to very little indeed.

Eh well.

I could do without being nauseous all the time for a starter. It would make the journey out a lot easier.

No such thing as an easy path I guess.

Sometimes a little glimmer of anger bubbles, the indifference of health services. It shouldn't be that way. No use grinding teeth about it however, and to be frank I have zero energy to do so.

On the plus side, my gout has improved a little today after going through a very painful peak.


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