Nov 19.2
Holy fuck damn. After a slightly better day yesterday, most of today has been diabolical. I feel extremely terrible. Like along with the rest of it I have a flu. I don't have a flu. No temperature. No sniffles. But I feel like extra garbage.
Today I was mildly useful at work. Sorted out 3 issues, done, dusted, live, no mess.
Mildly useful.
It was tough to do feeling as shit as I did. Like crawling over broken glass.
It is getting into the later evening, and unlike usual where I feel a little better in the evening, I am feeling worse. Not. Good.
I don't think I am going to have a problem sleeping tonight. I am going to sink hard.
Perhaps this is just a very very shitty sleep cycle reset where I haven't slept enough and now my hours are jerking back to something more normal.
Also. Suspiciously.
For the first time in an absolute age. Many weeks. I had a wheat bread roll yesterday.
Today I feel like I have a non feverish flu.
As much as that sounds like a slam dunk link, I actually suspect it's coincidental.
I could be wrong. It could be a hell of an allergic reaction to wheaty things.
I literally haven't had anything wheat, not even slightly, not even a cracker, in weeks if not a month. Until yesterday.
What with actually being mildly useful at work and then feeling like utter utter garbage, I have had zero inclination or capacity to do any more tarting around with the CnC machine. Even though I wanted to yesterday. Today it has just been sick to the gills, nausea, ill, can't even think about doing something like a CnC. Literally makes me more ill thinking about it, in that sea sick kind of way. The way your stomach lurches when feeling like that and you think about a greasy breakfast. Blurp. No.
Ho hum.
I am going to try and get a very good period of sleep in and hopefully I feel better tomorrow.
On the plus side. Thursdays GP appointment could actually coincide with me being near the bottom of feeling shit. You never know. It might help.
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