Nov 24
I ended up crashing out again for the mid part of the day yesterday. Woke up late afternoon at some kind of mid shit point - not good, but also, had worse.
I got up and wanted to get stuff done. Let's be positive. Made a cup of tea. 10 minutes later nausea. In spades. And I felt terribly ill.
My groceries were due to turn up and it was the last thing I wanted. Just. Go away.
I curled up in a ball on the sofa and downed some antacid.
The groceries were running late, which gave me a little time to try and gather my ill self together. Just picking the groceries up and putting them away was a hard test. I am so fucked. But I got it done.
I ate some "lunch" that had come with the groceries ( some light sushi and a natural fruit juice ) despite feeling nauseous and not wanting it.
Slowly, oh so slowly, as the evening wore on, and I sat on my computer, the nausea subsided, disappeared. Ok. Feeling much better.
The nausea and terribly ill feeling are going hand in hand. Pretty sure they are the same thing acting out in different symptoms. It's really debilitating. I guess I will see how I do tomorrow, but Monday, I think I need to get my ass back to a GP appointment.
Otherwise I have done zip today. Slept or rested for the most part.
I still need to crank out a whole bunch of work. But everyday I feel like shit. And by the time I start to feel better, I am mentally exhausted.
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