Feb 20

 5.20am. I've been asleep for the magic number of 16 hours just about. A wake up here or there for a short while. Most of those hours I have been plagued my a low level migraine threatening to always step up. I tried sleeping with it only - no meds - to minimal success. After 12 hours of that nonsense I bit the bullet and took a couple of aspirin at risk of completely wrecking my dubious nausea levels.

I have had a shower. The first in. I don't know how long. These last few months have been unusual for me. Usually I am at least a once a day shower kind of person. But these last few months it has lapsed. A week. Two weeks. Three weeks.

I feel. Fragile. Shaky.

I desperately just want a normal day. A normal day where I feel normal. I don't want to be ill. I don't want to be sick. Or exhausted. Or a migraine. Or some other bullshit that goes on with me.

I feel like I am on a knife edge. Waiting for the other shoe to drop and something to develop into something worse from the quasi undecided state it currently is.

I need to catch up on some work, but have zero motivation for it at the moment. Focused on just not feeling like shit. 

Spoke to my sister again. She is due in hospital for a scan next week. A camera. To whisk away around inside her. After initially saying her tests came back ok she revealed that one of her tests noted early stage 2 kidney failure. Not good. She rationlised it away by saying that it could have been a recent treatment she had with salt. Which. It might be. But it would be unlikely. I need to wrestle some more details out of her. Do you leave it or ask about it. I don't wont to stress her out with anxiety. On the other hand. If that is her diagnosis, she needs to take it seriously.

Very briefly exchanged a few words with Hazel. Poppy seems to be doing ok at home. So. Good for now. We shall see how it goes. Time, life and wellness is only ever a one way direction, not if, but when.


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