31st July
A better week. But not easy. I've struggled to maintain my relative better state this week - waves of tiredness and exhaustion and plenty of naps and early sleeps. I think sleep has a lot to to do with my condition (duh), and if I don't get enough, it hits pretty hard. Enough being North of 10 hours, typically in at least two sessions. More difficulty concentrating this week. Somewhat stressy, tiring and uber frustrating workwise, somewhat more difficult to get to the edge of razor concentration to push through involved computer stuff. Noticeable. Hazel came round for the latter bit of the week, look after the dogs whilst I got my second vaccine shot ( in far off Suffolk for me ), and also just to give her a bit of a break and let me look after her a bit. Mutual help dealio. She's been in good spirits all week, which is good to see, last week was pretty bad for her. I think it's also pretty clear my mental state is a whole lot better with her around. My second vaccine ...