Mar 31
Slowww sticky day today. Today it's mostly a mental health issue. Not withstanding the usual clown car of physical bullshit going on in the background. Didn't want to get up today. Had no reason to get up today. Everytime I woke up I was tired as hell. No joy, no plans, no need, no one cares. Just. Go back to sleep. And oblivion. But sleep is a tricky thing for me these days. It can just as easily fuck me up as help. Work laptop broke yesterday. It's been increasingly shitty for a while. The power input went bad on me again. Third time. And as ever I replaced it. Except this time on opening, I found out why the laptop sometimes hasn't been closing right. Broken hinge. Right on the power input. Which makes the power input wiggle and fucks it up even faster than it usually does. Meh. Well. Ok. Then I looked at the other hinge. A big ole crack in it. Probably from the increased stress due to the other one doing no job at all. Oh. As I looked at it and wiggled it, it fina...