Jan 29
Super tired. Not been able to sleep properly. And the punchy eyes and yada blah have stacked up. Making me feel pretty ill at times. Hazel duly arrived on Friday. Picked her up. She's staying with me a while til she feels up to going back home. In the meantime she's helping a little around the house and with Athena. So. That's good. We had a chat about how it went in the US. She talked. I listened. In the end she acknowledged the whole thing might be a bust. But. Seeing how it goes. I said, brutally, on paper, if this was a set of tests someone had handed me.. I know she says.. you wouldn't pass them. Yeah. Pretty bad. But eh. People make mistakes. Learn. Change. Who knows. As it turns out the boyfriend is thousands in debt. Has a committed behavioural problem with spending huge amounts of money on onlyfans and fastfood. And despite being 32 is maturity wise, probably somewhere in the low 20's. At most. Depending which generation you are comparing to. He's just ...