Dec 30
Tough day. As the day wore on I struggled with the stress of my situation. Sometimes better. Sometimes worse. Overall, getting worse. By mid afternoon I had reached super high emergency stress level. I equate this to the point where you just hold your breath. No breathing. Except it's over hours. Everything is cranked up to a high strung point. I had this when Ares was bad and I had to put him to sleep. Everything slows. I disassociate hardcore. Everything becomes unreal. High focus. High achievement. High coping. Everything runs on a steely efficient auto pilot. The emotions are somewhere in there, screaming the house down. But it's clamped down. No time for that. This is about doing the thing. So everything gets held in place. A screaming inner animal pinned to the floor and smothered. Everything tightens ready to fight, flee, do what's necessary. A machine. But not healthy. Under extreme pressure. Ready to pop. Burning so much energy to hold that state of high readiness...