Apr 28
Went to see a friend yesterday for a cup of tea and a chat. Was difficult to get my shit sorted and get out, but I did it. Whilst there felt pretty much ok. Was nice. Had some lovely tea ( Green Rooibos, Peach & Cherry for the record, was yum ) . It came up during conversation that I was circling the drain - you've been saying that for sometime she said. Yeah. The issue is I can report how I feel, but what I can't predict is just how tenacious my bodies will to live is. Which is. Apparently. Fairly robust and bloody minded. I did say however, that I can do short periods of normality, almost like on adrenaline before I then crash and inevitably pay for it. You should see me when I wake up for instance. No sooner had I got home I ended up paying for my afternoon. A migraine thundered in, dragging nausea along behind it. I tried - very briefly - ignoring it, always the most stupid fucking idea before chomping some aspirin ( a gout trigger, oh boy ) and heading for bed. I man...