30th June
Struggled all week to not be at the bottom of a misery pit. Tinnitus has been screeching - louder than the tv - random pains, dizziness and a mood that is just above suicidal, zombie like. Marvellous. But just been enduring it. One day at a time. Try to keep some kind of schedule. On the plus side the fatigue has gone down a notch. I can potter about and not wipe out. But I'm still not pushing it. And I can feel it if I get tired, lurking in the background, waiting to chop me down. Got out to play a game yesterday which helped my mood quite a bit. Today finally spoke to the doc again. Bumping up the anti depression meds and trying that for six weeks before reassessing ( either to continue or try something else - although at this point I've been through almost every single drug ). Also going to have a physical exam for the tinnitus and dizziness and possibly get an ENT referral. Which is highly overdue, but I guess we have been working down the priority list of Shit Thats Wrong...