Aug 29
Slightly better physically today - which may or may not be something to do with the fact I took 2 aspirin at bed time, but mentally it has been a disaster. Today my mental health has been atrocious. Anxiety. Sadness. Mood swings. Anxiety so bad I didn't want to leave the house. But I did. I threw out the old food bins I had used for the dogs - plastic bins that I kept their dried food in to keep it fresh. With my mental health being all over the show, just throwing those out was appalling. It hurt. A lot. Just another one of those reminders that it's over. I picked up my meds today. Tried to be normal. It's hilarious. I sit there in the pharmacy doing my best to mask. All the while the creeping horror and disassociation kicks in hard. The real world is dreamlike. It doesn't feel real. I am floating around. Nothing matters. It doesn't matter what the time is or day is. It all blends into one bit of suffering. It is surreal. And awful. I can mask so well. I can have ...