Jan 31

Seem to have settled into a pattern of almost always being at such an ill point that just about everything is impossible, with a lot of effort can do small things, like making something to eat. Often it eases up somewhat during the evening where I can actually make something to eat, a cup of tea etc. Sometimes it does not. And on those days I largely just spend the entire 24 hours in a haze of unwell. Lying down and being in bed helps the most. I am going through periods of intense sleepiness, and then periods where I can't sleep. Hap hazard. My hours are a mess. Everyday is some form of nausea. Not as bad as it was. Bad enough that it eliminates any want for food, destroys concentration, and just sitting in place increasingly makes you feel ill. Distraction helps. Sometimes a lot. Sometimes very little. Variable. All in all miserable. Just waiting for it to get worse really. Apnea has been worse last few days. Properly kicking in in places. Leaving me feeling woozy. Hazels better...