August 31st
Spent the weekend at my brothers, which was pretty good. Spent much of the time in various forms of exhaustion. It's hard. I can do stuff. And I dare say appear normal to people at those times. But it's a real struggle. There is a weight of exhaustion about everything. At best it's like swimming upstream. At worst its a crushing weight that makes you seek bed. The ever ongoing process of... processing... ticks over. This weekend I reflected that on the whole, this was a pretty miserable way to live. Always swimming upstream from bone deep exhaustion. Hmm. I didn't like where I was. A gloom about my long term health settled. On the car journey down, I had too much time to think and few to zero distractions. This, as it turns out, was not good. About a third of the way in, when the drive had become a monotonous follow the leader down the winding single lane roads of Norfolk, misery, sadness and grief descended pretty hardcore. About all of it. About Ares. About how shit ...