Jun 30
A period of a few days of relative calm. I got ill again last evening. Sick. Off. No discernible pattern. I ate exactly what I ate the day before. Who knows. I am eating wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy less. I would guess I am struggling to hit above 1,000 calories again. But I am not counting it. Or particularly worried. I eat when I feel hungry / not sick. I am drinking lots more water. I am pretty sure I lapse into periods where I just forget to drink. One of my special talents. Like much else. I can just switch it off. A pretty stupid talent. Anywho. I am more than grateful for a few days of relative peace at least. The bout of sickness perhaps heralds an end to that, but eh, I am being very careful today. I can feel my system is again very fragile. Doesn't want to eat. Silver lining, almost a perfect weight loss inducement. Get ill ! Feel like shit ! Nausea ! No appetite means no weight gain ! Heh. The weather of late has been blessedly mixed and mild. No stupid heat. Some nice sunny period...