Jul 31
The "cold" seems to be getting worse. Uh huh. Didn't sleep much yesterday, so was doubly rough for work. I am taking it easy this week at work because of this. Swollen throat is slowly getting less severe, but, it's now started settling on my chest. The asthma meds are helping. But. Stuff sitting on my chest is no bueno. I sorted through a bunch of pictures today. Just weeding out a lot of "spam" of board games from the pub from many years ago into their own folder. Along the way I found many pics of Ares and Athena hidden amongst the boardgames. After a while I stopped sorting. The pictures were lovely and sad. The one thing that comes across in them - pre 2020 bullshit. I am a lot happier. A. Lot. Happier. And. There's a reason I was so strongly tied to my mutts. They are adorable. They are always looking to me. Or snuggling me. Forever interested in what I am doing. Forever good natured. Clingy good natured babies. This is not true of all dogs. At al...