Nov 30

Tired and nauseous. I am getting bored saying it. Regrettably I cannot shift either. Everyday is a nausea day. Worse when I sit up. Typically if I spend time on a computer sitting upright, inevitably I start to feel sick and then stay that way. It makes everything an unpleasant experience. It waxes and wanes of its own accord over some hours, eventually I get tired "fighting it", and I have to give up and lie down. Where typically it lowers a notch. And comes as something of a relief. Meh. Yesterday I continued to experiment with finishes on my boxes. Whilst battling with nausea. So, after the first cloisonne trial revealed that the stain was reactivating, I have now tested two different sealing varnish sprays. The junker box I have is proving to be a great asset for testing - same wood, same stain, same scale. But it's junk. So I can test different approaches. One half of the box lid is coated in one varnish ( mid range quality ). The other half has another varnish ( hi...