Sep 30
The Gods smile on me. The never ending game of boon and curse continues, yesterday, the heating fixed itself. Or rather fixed the major fuckery that was wrong with it. In reality there's a very rational explanation for it. The small bit of blockage - rust - that was fucking things up has likely finally dislodged and now everything is running again. At least thats my theory. Still. Always happy to take a boost from supernatural sponsors nudging reality in my favour. I should probably make the effort to double check the procedure for draining down a central heating system, do so, and then refill it with some rust inhibitor again. Because surprise. Steel radiators rust. I know. Shocking news. It also occurred to me that I am sick of stupid shitty devices that have no standards, are caked in arcane bullshit, but in actuality are simple that you have to pay an arm and a leg for someone who has briefly been educated in the ways of Bullshit to fix it. At expense. Absolute nonsense. I am ...