May 30
Much better afternoon yesterday. Bounced up somewhat. Forced myself out to take Athena on a walk, and after that, was in an alright place all round, albeit, walked around the place with a very suspect stomach. By the evening, I was alright. Didn't eat. Which. Might have helped. I was talking to D in the evening about his work and our sometimes chats about the shape of society. This is the guy who runs a charity. I find talks with him can be really interesting and, actually make a difference. You're not talking about airy fairy theoreticals - well ok, sometimes you are - but more down to earth practical, how to help people, how that works in a late stage capitalist society and yada blah. I have to say at times I become really enthused about what he's doing and his attitude. I feel like being introduced to him has definitely... made a connection with me that was missing. I admire him for what he's doing, very selfless - arguably somewhat destructively so - but the how he...